EULAC PerMed will be holding three relevant events in December 2019 in Montevideo, Uruguay.
9th-10th December - EULAC PerMed Summer School: Health Technology Assessment Research in PM
- 20 researchers from European and LAC countries —priority given to those from LAC countries— will participate in a Training event with the aim of improving and sharing the appropriate knowledge and skills that will allow them to improve understanding of the health technology assessment (HTA) processes to increase the research skills contributing to the HTA process.
- The Summer School participation fee is free and open to 20 LAC & EU participants who will be evaluated and admitted on a competitive basis. Each eligible applicant will be evaluated according to three criteria: academic potential; experience in the Summer School topics; personal motivation (including the usefulness of this training in their current activity).
- The EULAC-PerMed will award a scholarship to six (6) participants. The successful candidates will receive non-cash support to cover accommodation costs and travel expense.
- The documents to be submitted electronically (english) for this purpose are: the Curriculum Vitae; a clear reference to the candidate’s academic qualifications; the application form with the candidate’s interest in participating in the Summer School and a Reference letter.
- More information: María José Ruiz Alvarez ().
11th-12th December - Stakeholder workshop: Building Bridges In Personalised Medicine Between Latin America-Caribbean and Europe
- Interactive workshop to discuss and analyse the situation of PM in LAC countries (challenges, barriers and needs) and options for strengthening collaboration with Europe.
- The workshops will serve as a first step to start building links with countries interested in collaborating in PerMed and joining the ICPerMed Initiative.
- Aimed at gathering LAC and EU actors from different stakeholder groups: Health Policy Makers & Funding Agencies, R&I Policy Makers & Funding Agencies, Regional/international organizations active in health research and policy, Universities and research organizations, Hospitals, Scientific associations and networks, researchers, Public-Private partnerships, Industry and Patient Associations and other Civil organizations.
- Panel presentations and discussions lead by experts from LAC and EU, together with small-group discussions and final agreement on conclusions and recommendations on how to best approach the policy dialogue and alignment activities planned in the EULAC-PerMed project.
- 60-70 participants from LAC and EU countries.
- Networking opportunity for international collaboration.
- More information: Erika Sela ().
12th-13th December - Technical Workshop: Innovative methodologies for data use and management in Personalised Medicine Research
- In order to address the existing challenges in PM research and to help establish common methodologies, the EULAC-PerMed project is organizing technical workshops that will create a platform for sharing technical insight on existing and upcoming methodologies. The first workshop will take place on December 12-13, in Montevideo. It will focus on Innovative methodologies for data use and management in PM research, exploring the development of data standards for improved interoperability, the integration of data from multiple sources and the methodologies for successful cohort integration, and the novelties in patient stratification methods. It will gather speakers and participants from CELAC and EU countries. Fifty participants will be selected through an application-based process.
- The detailed workshop program, application criteria and applications forms will be available soon!
- For more information contact us at: