Building bridges in Personalised Medicine between Latin America-Caribbean and Europe
This event was planned as an interactive workshop to discuss and analyse the situation of PM in LAC countries (challenges, barriers and needs) and options for strengthening collaboration with Europe. The workshop also served as a first step to start building links with countries interested in collaborating in PerMed and joining the ICPerMed Initiative.
The workshop aimed at gathering LAC and EU actors from different stakeholder groups: Health Policy Makers & Funding Agencies, R&I Policy Makers & Funding Agencies, Regional/international organizations active in health research and policy, Universities and research organizations, Hospitals, Scientific associations and networks, researchers, Public-Private partnerships, Industry and Patient Associations and other Civil organizations.
Panel presentations and discussions led by experts from LAC and EU, together with small-group discussions and final agreement on conclusions and recommendations on how to best approach the policy dialogue and alignment activities planned in the EULAC-PerMed project were held.
Around 60-70 participants from LAC and EU countries took part in the workshop, which has arisen as a networking opportunity for international collaboration.
Interesting documentation related to the workshop is available below:
Día 1 |
EULAC-PerMed project overview / Esther Rodríguez. |
A (personal) vision of personalized medicine from Latin America and Caribbean / Manoel Barral-Netto. |
Presentation of the results of the study “Mapping of Personalised Medicine in LAC Countries” / Joaquin Guinea, Erika Sela & Franz Castro. |
La investigación en los Institutos Nacionales de Salud hacia la Medicina Personalizada / Rodolfo Cano Jiménez. |
BIPMed Brazilian Initiative on Precision Medicine / Iscia Lopes-Cendes. |
El Programa Nacional de Medicina de Precisión – CUBA / María Victoria Norabuena Canal. |
Implementación de la oncología de precisión (en Chile): de la investigación a la practica clínica / Ricardo Armisén. |
Experiencia de estudios de Medicina de Precisión: Universidad San Martin de Porres / Liliana Vásquez. |
Cerrando brechas en la medicina de precisión en Colombia / Juan Esteban Gallo Bonilla |
Iniciativas argentinas en medicina de precisión / Azul Irazoqui & Agustina Vello |
Oportunidades para el desarrollo de la medicina de precisión en Uruguay. Investigación y práctica clínica / Mauricio Cuello |
When do we say that we are before an innovation country? / Tomás López Peña. |
Results of the online survey / Franz Castro. |
Día 2 |
The International Consortium for Personalised Medicine / Ulrike Bußhoff. |
Central and Latin American (CELAC) and European (EU) consortium for a personalized medicine approach to Gastric Cancer (LEGACy) / Tania Fleitas Kanonnikoff. |
Perspectivas y desafíos de los biobancos de material biológico humano en el avance de la medicina personalizada: Experiencia de la Red de Biobancos de Latinoamérica y del Caribe (REBLAC) / Gustavo Stefanoff. |
ERAPerMed, Joint Transnational Call 2020 / Esther Rodríguez. |
Ponencia de estudio sobre genómica / José Martínez Olmos. |
Science and Policy Dialogue between LAC countries and ICPerMed / Laura de la Cruz. |