3rd EULAC PerMed Summer School

“Implementing Personalised Medicine  Research into practice: Ethical, Legal and Societal Aspects perspective “

24th-26th November 2020

Open for applications from  July 15th to  October 7th, 2020.

Topic: “Implementing Personalised Medicine (PM)  Research into practice: Ethical, Legal and Societal Aspects ( ELSA) perspective”.

This summer school is opened up to researchers from both Europe and LAC regions and the experts/speakers come from both regions to facilitate the exchange of information and strategies about  ELSA issues related to research on PM.

During these three days,  you can learn about ELSA (ethical, legal, and social aspects) – related topics to Implementation research on Personalised Medicine to apply in your work.

The Summer School will offer you an European overview of the developed strategies for the use of available and new tools on PM   addressing these aspects.

Three days format:  From 14:00 to 17:30 (CEST Time).

The final programme with the names of the speakers is now available.

N: 30-40 participants

The participation is free of charge and open to all eligible applicants

Priority to participants from LAC countries.

Background: Mainly bio-medical and PM researchers (also admitted Healthcare providers)

To apply, please, complete and send the documents below to:

  • Application form explaining candidate’s interest in participating in the Summer School
  • Declaration of Consent to The  EULAC PerMed Terms & Conditions form signed.
  • Short CV with reference to the candidate’s academic qualifications.

Candidates who participate in most 2/3 of the lessons and pass the final test will receive a certificate of assistance.




Implementation Research in Personalized Medicine: Ethical, Legal and Social Aspects perspective / Maria Jose Ruiz.
Ethics at the Side of Consent on PM Research: Capacity, Consent, and Vulnerability / Eva Bustamante Barra, PhD.
Raising awareness of ethical issues on genomic testing in children with rare diseases / Gabriela Repetto, MD.
Legal and social aspects on Personalized Medicine research. / Dr. Mauricio Cuello.
Applicability of GDPR in Personalized Medicine / Selina Zipponi.
Artificial Intelligence bridging macro and micro toward personalized healthcare / Parag Chatterjee.
ERA PerMed: ERA Net on Personalised Medicine / María Cristina Nieto García.
Ethical & legal aspects of genomics “big data” / Catalina Lopez-Correa.
Patient Recruitment: Information Relevant to Participants and Questions to be Asked / María Eugenia Barnett de Antinori.
Ethical Implications of Big Data and Artificial Intelligence for Personalised Medicine: an International Perspective / Agata Ferretti.
Control of data & sample/data sharing (exchange or sharing of genomic or related information) / Maurizio Genuardi.
The importance of implementation research in precision medicine – a patient advocacy perspective / Bettina Ryll.
ICPerMed Best Practise Recognition / Maria Jose Ruiz Alvarez.
Discussing ELSI in Novel disease treatment / Ramiro E. Gilardino.
Ethical, Legal and Social perspectives in Health Technology Assessment / Ramiro E. Gilardino.
Global Landscape on Personalized Medicine Policy: Key Elements and Challenges / Camilo García Duque.
E-Health: State-of-the-art Analysis of National M-Health Regulations in Perú. / Javier Silva Valencia.
General ethical aspects that regulate clinical research on precision medicine: Particularities in Latin America / Helano Freitas.
Implementation Research in Personalized Medicine: Ethical, Legal and Social Aspects perspective / María José Ruiz Álvarez.
Remarks at Closing: A personal view / Rafael de Andrés Medina.



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