ELSA Technical Worshop

Objective of the workshop: To exchange insights on key ethical, legal and social issues in personalised medicine (PM) research and implementation in Europe and in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) and identify recommendations for future bi-regional collaborations in the field of PM.

Target audience: The research and clinical care community that directly works with PM. This can be investigators, PhD students, project managers, clinicians and paramedical personnel. It can also include policy makers, representatives of ethics committees, funding bodies and other regulatory bodies who regulate PM research or policies on PM in the health systems.

Link to the Workshop programme.

Other information of interest:




Access to existing data in research / Ricardo Armisén.
Informed consent and liability – Context in the clinical care framework within LAC experiences / Claude Vergès.
Ethical issues in Personalized Medicine: Data protection & data access / Eva Winkler.
Ethics in Personalized medicine from a concept to the bedside / Y. M. Barilan.
Privacy and confidentiality – Who has access to the data in clinical care perspective. How to incorporate Big Data in a learning healthcare systems setting? / María Isabel Cornejo Plaza.
Equitable access to personalised care / Juan Alberto Lecaros.
Health insurance equal access to personalized care (EU) / Encarna Guillén Navarro.