EULAC PerMed has planned a set of activities, structured in 6 Work Packages, that will seek to facilitate the integration of Latin America and Caribbean organization in the ICPerMed consortium and with this, to encourage and promote a broader and more global approach to PM research and implementation.

The project will carry out different activities, briefly described below. Please, note that due to Covid-19 pandemic some of the face-to-face events planned for 2020 will be organized on a virtual format.

Work Package Main Objectives Activities Main Results
WP2 – Mapping PerMed in LAC
  • To gain knowledge and understanding of the scientific and policy landscape of PerMed in LAC countries.
  • To engage with relevant PerMed stakeholders in CELAC countries and discuss the main needs and barriers for PerMed research and policy in the region.
WP3 – Science & Policy dialogue between LAC countries and ICPerMed
  • To integrate representatives from Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) countries to join International Consortium of Personalised Medicine (ICPerMed).
  • To provide inputs to the overarching science policy dialogue under the EU-CELAC Common Research Area.
  • Introductory Webinars to ICPerMed.
  • Supporting Participation of LAC representatives in ICPerMed activities.
  • Bilateral meetings.
WP4 – Research competitive funding, training and mobility
  • Promoting practical actions as mobility, training and knowledge courses on PerMed for CELAC recipients.
  • To facilitate the participation of funding agencies of CELAC countries and scientific communities in the Joint calls of the ERA-Net ERAPerMed.
  • Summer Schools.
  • Webinars.
  • Bilateral meetings.
WP5 – Paving the way to EU –LAC S&T collaboration in PerMed
  • To reinforce the EU-LAC Scientific and Technological interaction in the field of PerMed.
  • Technical Task Forces.
  • Technical Workshops.
WP6 – Communication and dissemination
  • To disseminate and communicate project activities and main results.
  • Project website.
  • Newsletters.
  • Communication material.