EU-LAC PerMed Virtual Workshop

How to strengthen and improve research collaborations in personalised medicine between Latin America, the Caribbean and Europe (EU-LAC). The role of research funding agencies DATE: 29 November 2022, 3 – 6:15 pm CET This virtual workshop will bring together Personalised Medicine researchers and funding institutions in EU and LAC to share knowledge, discuss options and

Technical Workshop in Panama

Clinical trials in Personalised Medicine In order to address the existing challenges in personalised medicine (PM) research and to help establish common methodologies, the EULAC-PerMed project organizes technical workshops that create a platform for sharing technical insight on existing and upcoming methodologies. The third and final workshop will take place on November 17 & 18,

4th EULAC PerMed Summer School

Clinical studies on Personalised Medicine 15th-16th November 2022 Wyndham All Brook Hotel in Panama City, Panama. Hybrid Platform. Due to pandemic, it could be 100 % virtual. EULAC PerMed [] is a project funded by the European Commission that aims to enhance collaboration between Latin America and Caribbean countries (LAC) with Europe in the field

International Data Sharing in PM

More information on this event can be found in the corresponding Flyer. Webinar Presentation International Data Sharing in Personalised Medicine / Pilar Nicolás [PDF] Webinar Video A webinar recording is available here.

“Horizon Europe” Webinar

Link to the recorded webinar: TITLE VIEW EULAC PerMed Webinar on Horizon Europe Funding Programme: relevant opportunities in Personalised Medicine for Non European Countries. Horizon Europe Programme / Bruno Mourenza.

Virtual Help Desk

The EULAC PerMed  project is putting together a Virtual Helpdesk that will facilitate networking between research teams in both regions, with an emphasis on clinical research. This online tool, hosted in the EULAC PerMed website, and publicly available, will share information of research teams who are currently performing Personalised Medicine (PM) research, and who are

ELSA Technical Workshop

Objective of the workshop: To exchange insights on key ethical, legal and social issues in personalised medicine (PM) research and implementation in Europe and in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) and identify recommendations for future bi-regional collaborations in the field of PM. Target audience: The research and clinical care community that directly works with

3rd EULAC PerMed Summer School

“Implementing Personalised Medicine  Research into practice: Ethical, Legal and Societal Aspects perspective “ 24th-26th November 2020 Open for applications from  July 15th to  October 7th, 2020. Topic: “Implementing Personalised Medicine (PM)  Research into practice: Ethical, Legal and Societal Aspects ( ELSA) perspective”. This summer school is opened up to researchers from both Europe and LAC