EULAC-PerMed is a multidisciplinary project, where experts on various disciplines (legal, ICT, health, -omics) as well as different types of stakeholders (scientists, policy makers, funders) will work together towards a biregional common consensus in the PerMed methodologies, data standards, and analysis of the potential uptake by the national/regional health systems. Citizen/patient consultation will be considered when dealing with particular sensitive issues, such as health data use and privacy and participant informed consent in the case of clinical trials. This type of public engagement will redound on the improvement of the methodologies to be followed and on a better acceptability of the future PerMed solutions.
The project will bring together main EU-CELAC PerMed related stakeholders and will collectively work towards achieving the following specific objectives:
- To gain knowledge and understanding of the scientific landscape of PerMed in CELAC countries and their scientific policy on it too.
- To engage with relevant PerMed stakeholders in CELAC countries and discuss the main needs and barriers for PerMed research and policy in the region.
- To analyse the potential and advantages of collaboration in PerMed between CELAC and EU countries and foster it in the context of ICPerMed.
- To build links between CELAC country organizations with an interest in PerMed R&I and policy and so foster their participation in ICPerMed.
- To analyse and discuss with major CELAC stakeholders the way forward to integrate CELAC countries in the ICPerMed challenge groups, workshops, conferences and other events and initiatives.
- To promote transnational project funding through the participation of CELAC countries in the joint calls of the ERA-Net “ERA PerMed”, as well as research training and mobility activities, as part as capacity building for CELAC countries.
- To provide support to the EU-CELAC JIRI SOM (Joint Initiative on Research and Innovation on Health Senior Officials’ Meetings) regarding on PerMed and within it to contribute to strengthening the EU-CELAC Joint Initiative on Research and Innovation on Health (JIRI-Health).
- To contribute to raise awareness of PerMed and to promote the establishment of international standards in cooperation with ICPerMed
- To contribute to engage the CELAC countries in the ICPerMed Action Plan and the activities derived from it.
- To disseminate and communicate project activities and main results.
The project is organised according to a series of Work Packages as shown in the figure below:

EULAC-PerMec project addresses the H2020 call SC1-HCO-01-2018-2019-2020: Action in support of the International Consortium for Personalised Medicine, focusing in its international aspect. This project will design measures to approach each challenge of the call:
Challenge of the topic | Actions |
Building links with third countries. | Consortium compiling 5 CELAC countries as project beneficiaries and other 5 as Associated Parnerts. |
Analysing the potential and advantages of collaboration in PerMed. | Mapping of capacities and gaps. |
Studying areas of interestfor Europe and beyond. | Developing project activities over the areasdefined in the ICPerMed Action Plan. |
Promoting international standards in PerMed. | Methodologic and ethical issues to be discussed in Methodologic workshops. |
Uptake of personalised approaches in health systes (social, culture, economics, equity aspects). | Exploring de feasibility of implementation of PerMed solutions. |